Black Hawk College is partnering with the Kewanee Animal Shelter to present the Teddy Bear Hospital on January 25 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Bring your favorite stuffed animal to the East Campus Veterinary Sciences Center and explore careers in the veterinary industry!
Checkups for bears will include weigh-in, X-rays, bandaging, heart rate, pharmacy and surgery.
All children are welcome! Recommended for ages 3-8.
Free to attend. Donations to the animal shelter will be appreciated.
Suggested items:
Cat litter
Baking soda
Pill pockets
Laundry detergent
Garbage bags
Paper towels
Dog treats
Canned dog food
Sticky notes
Index cards
Help with vet bills
The Black Hawk College East Campus is five miles south of Kewanee at 26230 Black Hawk Road, Galva.
For more information, contact Haley Howerton at or 309-854-1724.