selected as a recipient of the 2021-2022 Buckle Up for Life Gift of Safety partnership. This partnership will run from August 1, 2021 through July 31, 2022. After recognizing a need for car seat safety and education in Henderson, Knox, Mercer, and Warren counties, ROE #33 now has 20 Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPSTs) on staff, resulting in the most technicians per capita in Illinois.
To expand the availability of car seat education and appropriate installation of car seats to families, the Child Passenger Safety Committee--which was established in October 2020-- accomplished following stages:
● Formed partnerships with Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and OSF St. Mary Medical Center
● Planned and scheduled monthly Car Seat Check Events in Henderson, Knox, Mercer, or Warren
● Finalized and submitted the 2021 Buckle Up for Life Grant With the Buckle Up for Life Gift of Safety partnership, ROE #33 will continue to increase safety, education, and confidence, as well as advocate and advertise car seat resources.