Galesburg Youth Baseball in partnership with the City of Galesburg will be hosting the 2022 Cal Ripken Ohio Valley 10 year-old regional baseball tournament Thursday, July 21 through Sunday, July 24 at Voyles Field. The tournament includes 11 of the best teams from seven states, who will congregate in Galesburg to compete for the regional championship.
The tournament begins at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 21. An opening ceremony will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 21, just prior to Galesburg’s first game of the tournament. Hall of Fame pitcher Steve Trout will be on hand to throw out the ceremonial first pitch. Trout will remain on location after the ceremony to sign autographs and interact with fans.
Fans are encouraged to come cheer for their favorite teams. There is a gate fee to attend the event. A full concession stand will be available at the event selling ribeye sandwiches, hotdogs and other assorted food items.
Cal Ripken Ohio Valley 10 year-old regional baseball tournament
Thursday, July 21 – Sunday, July 24, 2022
Voyles Field, 2233 Veterans Drive, Galesburg, IL
Game schedule
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Game Time Location Team Team
1 10:00 AM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Southeastern vs. Fairdale
2 10:30 AM Voyles Field - Voyles 2 Beechmont vs. Evergreen Park
3 12:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Schererville vs. St. Matthews
4 12:30 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 2 Sheridan Park vs. South Bend East Side
5 2:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Beechmont vs. Owensboro Western
6 4:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Schererville vs. Campbellsville
7 4:30 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 2 South Bend East Side vs. Fairdale
8 6:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Galesburg (Host) vs. St. Matthews
9 6:30 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 2 Southeastern vs. Sheridan Park
Friday, July 22, 2022
Game Time Location Team Team
10 12:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Campbellsville vs. Galesburg (Host)
11 12:30 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 2 Fairdale vs. Sheridan Park
12 2:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Owensboro Western vs. Evergreen Park
13 2:30 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 2 Southeastern vs. South Bend East Side
14 4:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Schererville vs. Galesburg (Host)
15 4:30 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 2 St. Matthews vs. Campbellsville
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Game Time Location Team Team
1 10:00 AM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Seed 7 vs. Seed 2
2 12:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Seed 6 vs. Seed 3
3 2:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Seed 5 vs. Seed 4
4 4:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Seed 8 vs. Seed 1
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Game Time Location Team Team
5 11:00 AM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Bracket Winner B1 vs. Bracket Winner B2
6 11:00 AM Voyles Field - Voyles 2 Bracket Winner B3 vs. Bracket Winner B4
7 2:00 PM Voyles Field - Voyles 1 Bracket Winner B5 vs. Bracket Winner B6