GALESBURG — Tuition at Carl Sandburg College will remain the same for the 2022-23 academic year.

The Sandburg Board of Trustees approved the tuition rates for the upcoming academic year during its regular monthly meeting Thursday on the Main Campus in Galesburg. Tuition will remain $175 per credit hour for in-district students, $262 per credit hour for out-of-district students and $292 per credit hour for students from out of state. This is the second time in three years Sandburg has kept tuition rates unchanged.
Carl Sandburg College Tuition Rates Per Credit Hour
FY2023 FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019
In District $175 $175 $170 $170 $165
Out of district $262 $262 $255 $255 $248
Out of state $292 $292 $284 $284 $276
The Board also approved the acceptance of a grant from the US Department of Agriculture’s North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program to support a youth agriculture camp on the Main Campus this summer. The grant will assist “Rooted in the Community,” a two-day camp that will host 60 participants and focus on sustainable/local agriculture concepts, careers in the ag industry and nutrition. Campers will interact with farmers, master gardeners and grocers, and they’ll each receive a garden tool kit as well as a voucher for purchasing produce.
Faculty members Renee Eickman (sociology), Sharon Trotter-Martin (English) and Marla Turgeon (library instructional services) were granted tenure, effective with the 2022-23 academic year.
The contracts of non-tenured faculty members Jeremy Bohrer (mathematics), Tina Braun-Smith (associate degree nursing), Nicole Lepper (associate degree nursing), Ian Milligan (manufacturing technology), Sonrisa Nolan (speech) and Joshua Seifert (business and economics) were renewed for the 2022-23 academic year.
The probationary terms of non-tenured faculty members Tammi Lewis (associate degree nursing) and Robert Thompson (theater) were extended for a fourth year for the 2022-23 academic year.
In other business, the Board approved the following:
A quote of $33,638.16 from CDW to replace the current computer server backup battery.
A quote of $29,100 from AMP Electrical Services to complete a distribution assessment of the College’s electrical systems.
Employment of Eric Johnson as chief advancement officer, effective March 1.
Employment of Stefani Gillen as academic support services/Americans with Disabilities Act & Section 504 coordinator, effective March 1.
Resignation of Emma Thompson as data/program assistant for TRIO Upward Bound, effective Feb. 4.
Resignation/retirement of Jan Lundeen as full-time associate degree nursing faculty, effective June 30.
The Board’s next scheduled meeting is 7 p.m. March 24.