CONSTITUTION ALIVE! 6 week class session will begin August 10th, Tuesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the American Legion, 1110 N. 11th Street in Monmouth. Rick Green (Patriot
Academy) and David Barton (Wall Builders) have developed this course to inform, entertain, educate, and inspire participates. The sessions are free and everyone is welcome from 11 to 97. Our schools, colleges and universities are not putting much emphasis on educating people on the constitution so this is a multigenerational opportunity to get the whole family involved.

Carol Parrish and Diane Fedorow are coaches leading the classes. Due to COVID, they took the course on line in January and were so inspired they wanted to bring it live to the local area. The sessions are still offered online at Patriot and there is more from Rick Green at this site. There is no better time to take a constitution class to know your rights and to help preserve liberty and freedom in our country.
The classes are Tuesday evening, August 10, 17, 24, and 31 and September 14 and 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. If you would like more information or make a reservation call Carol at (309) 221-3864 or Diane at (309) 335-7839.