The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) is proud to announce its 2022-23 Officials of the Year in 22 IHSA sports. To be considered for this honor, an official must first be nominated by an Officials Association recognized by the IHSA or by an IHSA administrator. IHSA staff members then vote on the winners based on factors such as character, skill as an official, and levels worked in the IHSA State Series. This year’s winners will be recognized during the 2023 IHSA Officials Conference, which will be held July 7-8 in Normal, Illinois. “Far too often overlooked and underappreciated, sports officials are vital if high schools around the country wish to offer interscholastic athletics,” said IHSA Associated Executive Director Kurt Gibson. “Our membership is honored to be able to recognize these 22 individuals for their service to young people across Illinois. Their dedication to the avocation is a testament to their selfless nature, and we are grateful to be able to recognize these individuals for their excellence.” See the full list of honorees by sport below: IHSA OFFICIALS OF THE YEAR
Sport Official of the Year Hometown
Boys Soccer Michael Moore Park Ridge
Girls Soccer Thomas Schaefer Ottawa
Football Jeffrey Conrad Bartlett
Boys Basketball Larry Barnett Makanda
Girls Basketball Brian Rewerts Wyoming
Boys Lacrosse William Santie Downers Grove
Girls Lacrosse Noreen Rodriguez Arlington Heights
Baseball David Hasley Abingdon
Softball James Cahill Galesburg
Girls Volleyball Travis Pate Greenville
Boys Volleyball Marek Fracz Gilberts
Boys Swimming & Diving Nancy Myer Geneva
Girls Swimming & Diving Paul Beiersdorf Peoria
Water Polo Richard Marsh Suga Grove
Cross Country Fredrick Pelley Rockford
Boys Track & Field Dr. Charles Nagel Germantown Hills
Girls Track & Field Peter Struck Tinley Park
Wrestling Kenneth Watkins Maywood
Boys Gymnastics Brandon Tucker Highland Park
Girls Gymnastics Terri Lacy Crete
Competitive Cheer Julie Matarelli Edwardsville
Competitive Dance Cindy Albright Antioch