WOODHULL… State Representative Dan Swanson (R-Alpha) celebrated the conclusion of his Fifth Annual Summer Reading Club Program with a special ice cream party in Woodhull with local author, Naomi Law.

Rep. Swanson’s theme this year for the program was “Readers are Winners”. The program is offered to encourage students to read over the summer and promote the lifelong benefits of literacy. More than two dozen area students participated in the program this year.
“I want to thank Naomi Law for the time she took with our summer readers,” said Swanson. “We gave out medals to congratulate these readers for competing to become lifelong learners. Each student who participated in the Reading Club receives a special certificate from the Illinois House of Representatives, a medal, and were gifted a signed copy of Naomi Law’s children’s book The Adventures of Orie the Orpheum Mouse. Students were encouraged to continue reading for fun as the school year begins.”
“Students who do not read over the summer are much further behind, academically, than their classmates who continue reading during summer break,” said Swanson. “This year, as with last, reading at home is all the more important for our students to keep up.”

More information on this and other state programs and issues can be found at Rep. Swanson’s legislative website at repswanson.com.