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Sorensen Announces $520,000 to Improve Road Safety

Congressman Eric Sorensen (IL-17) announced $520,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program to make roads safer for pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists in Macomb and Sterling. This funding comes from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to fund regional and local initiatives that prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries through modernizing infrastructure, installing safety measures to protect pedestrians and cyclists, and conducting assessments of high traffic roads and intersections.  


“Building sustainable communities means investing in upgrading our infrastructure so families can live and grow in neighborhoods that are safe,” said Sorensen. “This funding will provide Macomb and Sterling with the tools they need to keep those walking and on the road safe while out and about. In Congress, I will always fight to make sure our small hometowns don’t get left behind.” 


“This grant will allow us to begin the first phase of a comprehensive bike path system for the city,” said Macomb Mayor Michael Inman. “We are grateful for our federal partners including Congressman Eric Sorensen for their commitment to helping secure this grant funding for the city. We will put the grant funds to good use.” 


“The “Safe Streets for All” grant allows the City to develop a “complete streets” road code for Sterling,” said Sterling Mayor Diana Merdian. “This includes conducting a citywide safety assessment of roads and intersections. It also allows us to identify and pilot priority quick-build initiatives for bicycle facilities and apply the latest design standards and guidance on uncontrolled intersections. These have been identified as critical needs in Sterling for improving driver and pedestrian safety. We appreciate this grant's opportunity; thank you to the selection committee for selecting Sterling as a recipient.”  


Macomb will be awarded $200,000 for the Macomb Illinois Street Safety Plan to help improve the safety of streets for all users, including motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. 


Sterling will be awarded $320,000 to develop an Action Plan to help reduce serious injury and deaths from traffic crashes. The supplemental plan will include developing a complete streets road code and conducting a citywide safety assessment of roads and intersections. 

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