WOODHULL… State Representative Dan Swanson (R-Alpha) served as a Guest Judge for the Illinois Auctioneer Championship at the 2021 Illinois State Fair on Tuesday, August 17th.

“I wear many hats in my life, but being a trained auctioneer is one I enjoy and don’t get to talk about enough in my public service,” chuckled Swanson with a glow in his eyes as he discusses auctioneering. “When the Illinois State Auctioneer’s Association (ISAA) told me they’d like me to serve as a judge for the competition, I was honored and happy to help the cause as one of the few professional auctioneers in the Illinois General Assembly.”
The State Championship for Auctioneering was hosted at the Lincoln Building at the Illinois State Fair on the warm late summer morning of August 17th. This was the return of the competition and the Illinois State Auctioneer’s Association was excited to be back in-person for a LIVE auction. The champion of the competition, Cody Hanold (Brighton, IL), went on to sell the 2021 Governor’s Sale of Champions the same evening.
“What a thrill to see those at the top of the field competing against each other in worthy competition,” said Swanson. “Auctioneering is big, especially in rural communities in Illinois, and the competition was stiff today,” said Swanson. “It was a privilege to meet auctioneers who have been inducted into the ISAA Hall of Fame”.
The Illinois State Auctioneers Association was formed by a group of successful businessmen whose purpose was to speak with one voice for the auction industry of the State of Illinois, and in the process obtain tools to help them make sound and profitable decisions in their auction business and promote the auction method of marketing to the general public. For over 50 years, members of ISAA say the organization has been one of the best investments they could make.
More on this and other state issues can be found at Rep. Swanson’s legislative website at repswanson.com.